what lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you
Over 15 years ago, Derek Poplawski and a group of friends started getting together with the goal of pushing and challenging each other in overly demanding, constantly varied workouts. Over time, the number of participants began to increase as people started to seek out the "Team Mentality" this group embodied, as well the demand and intensity the workouts provided.
However before those workouts began, Derek was always driven to perform at his best in whatever sport, event or game he was taking part in, as he was filled with a desire and passion to push his own limits. However as much as he enjoyed the individual training component, Derek loved the concept of a team coming together - the balance of leading and leaning on your teammates, training and battling together in competition, and working towards a common goal - it is in these moments he realized the true strength of what can be done when a group of like-minded, motivated people come together!
With his love for training and desire to keep leading individuals and groups towards new levels of success, Derek continued his education acquiring various degrees and certifications in kinesiology, fitness, training and coaching. However he knew there was another element of training that he could bring to people that would dramatically impact how they view each day, train and perform in their lives. And with the goal of constantly bringing the best to his clients, Derek spent over a year training with, and studying under former Navy Seal Commander Mark Divine and the Unbeatable Mind program which prepares new Navy SEAL operatives for the mental and physical demands of the job. The result of all this training, passion and a purpose driven mindset - Motivaction Training - a multi program coaching platform that can push you solely on your physical training, or teach you the skills from the worlds toughest minds and help you maximize your potential physically, mentally and emotionally as well (APEX Program).
Since those early workouts many years ago, Derek has trained professional athletes, business leaders, those looking to lose weight and make a lifestyle change, and others simply looking to challenge themselves with something new. No matter who the individual or group, the common theme for every member at Motivaction, is commitment. A commitment to themselves, to bring their best everyday, and to never, EVER, give up. It's a commitment Derek makes to the members, a commitment the members make to each other, and one of the marquee reasons this process is successful.
Make no joke, to tap into your full potential, stimulate growth and change, and take control of your life is not easy work - this type of training is not for everyone. It is reserved for those ready to meet the challenge and make a change! There are no existing baseline fitness requirements in this group, just a committed body, mind and soul to give your best, every day! If that sounds like you, and you're looking to maximize who you can be, welcome to Motivaction!